Daytime Population

Many companies include something called “daytime population” as part of their standard demographic reporting when considering new sites or evaluating performance of existing sites. Many restaurants rely on the lunchtime trade as a critical element of their success....

The State of Poverty in America

In his inaugural state of the union address in early 1964, President Johnson declared war against poverty  by implementing a wide range of federal programs aimed at improving the living conditions for residents of low-income neighborhoods, improving access to job...

Urban Change through Gentrification

Over the past decade, gentrification has become a hot button in the politics of many American cities. Gentrification is the process of changing the character of a neighborhood through the influx of affluent residents and businesses. While increasing the economic...

Ukrainian Descent in the United States

As war wages in Ukraine, Europe, and likely countries outside of Europe, will face a refugee crisis. Already well over half a million people have fled Ukraine in search of safety. Here in the United States, our population that lists Ukrainian as their ancestry is...

Oil and Gas Employment

If you have been to the gas station in the last few weeks, there is no denying that it hurt a little bit when you saw the charges rack up before your eyes. Demand is up, production is down, inflation is at a record high and the war in Ukraine are all impacting the...

It’s Often in the Details

We recently ran across a post that looked at housing vacancies in Manhattan that was interesting but got us thinking. Most standard demographic reports include a reference to the number of housing units which are estimated to be currently vacant, and this can be an...