Data for the Greater Good

What makes data and statistical analysis wonderful is the ability to optimize your research or business and take it to the next level. But what about using data to optimize non-profit organizations and enhance the work that they do? A little data can go a long way to...

Dealing with the 2020 Census

A tremendous effort in the analytics world is devoted to the task of data preparation and cleansing. Data exchanges refer to ‘curated’ data, which suggests that the suppliers of that data have gone to the trouble of estimating missing fields, reigning in outliers, and...

Optimizing Online Ads with Data

  In the years since “big data” became a term, the scope of what data can do to enhance your business has changed and evolved. If you own a business, you likely are paying for some kind of online advertising. Google Ads, social media advertising, and any other...

Data Delivery Done Right

Is your demographics provider stuck in the past? Still sending out the same database to everybody on a pre-historic physical platter which makes your otherwise despondent DVD reader feel remotely loved? These strange looking platters are interesting if you are a...

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Automobile Manufacturing Employment

The number of vehicles manufactured in the United States peaked in the late 1970’s just shy of 10 million (9.92 million), and in 2019 was down to 2.63 million – despite the substantial increase in population over time (1970, US Population was 203 million, 2020 is 330...

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Bilingual Households

As our society becomes more diverse, there are many households where English is not the primary language spoken at home. For advertisers, marketers, and even with site selection, looking at these data variables can prove to be crucial to your plans. Using current year...

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2020B Sneak Peek: Non-Resident Population

The AGS ‘2020B’ release in November will include the fruits of our lockdown efforts over these past few months, most of which have been leaked on these pages. Earlier this year, we debuted a new data set: Non-Resident Population. On any given night in a normal year,...

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Void Analysis with Sites USA

Empty leases are one of those constant struggles for any landlord with retail space. Finding the right tenant to match your available space and matching the other tenants in your center can be a hard thing to do. Then there is the global pandemic. Large and small...

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