August 2023 Round-Up

At the end of each month, the AGS team looks back at articles and blog posts that we saw this month that stood out to us. Some are from news agencies, and many come from our partners, but not all use our data. Here is the round-up from August 2023. Vox Remember when...

The Decline of Public School Enrollment

Around 56.8 million kids return to school this month to attend grades 1-12, and nearly 6.5 million of them won’t be attending the local public school. In the last few years, private school enrollment has increased for various reasons, but it isn’t an equal increase...

True College Towns

When you think about a college town, you might think about a town where people put out a lot of college memorabilia in their yard or even how many bars are in a one mile ring around campus. For our purposes, we looked at true college towns with two demographic...