Storm Surge Risk Index

For many years, AGS has published risk indexes for the four major damaging weather events – hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, and high winds. While hurricane damage is usually most extensive along the coast, hurricane damage vulnerability extends even as far inland as the...

Snapshot Goes PDF Reports

The latest release of the Snapshot API adds a critical feature that creates PDF reports for any study area-radius, drive times, polygons, census and postal geography- with as much or as little formatting as you like, including our BYOM feature. This customizable...

2020B Sneak Peek: Non-Resident Population

The AGS ‘2020B’ release in November will include the fruits of our lockdown efforts over these past few months, most of which have been leaked on these pages. Earlier this year, we debuted a new data set: Non-Resident Population. On any given night in a normal year,...

Sneak Peek: Wildfire Risk

Wildfires are an annual major risk in most areas of the western United States, and while large fires often burn in the rugged and generally unpopulated mountainous areas, the combination of dry conditions, heat, and winds can often lead to major disasters along what...