Splitting Hairs?

In the world of demographics, seemingly small differences in national statistics can have dramatic effects, especially when those differences have different spatial expressions. The average age of the population in the United States is about 38.5 years old. In Canada,...

Privacy and the Census

Every representative democracy has a fundamental need to undertake a regular enumeration of its citizens to ensure that equal representation can be maintained as best as possible. But once you have gone to considerable trouble to count the people, it is quite...

Peering over the Border

Over the years, despite my attempts to assimilate into the American melting pot, the pronunciation of certain words betrays my heritage. No one whose first language is Canadian can say the word “out” without evoking a barely concealed snicker from most Americans. Eh?...

Data Marketplaces and Exchanges

This week, AGS released its 2021A datasets. Just two decades ago, most demographics users did so by using a Windows based application which usually used a GIS platform and often proprietary data formats and stored everything on the small local hard drive. The end user...