Product Focus: Demographic Dimensions
One of the key problems that analysts face when building multivariate statistical models is multicollinearity in the independent variables. Imagine for a moment that you are trying to predict the demand for books by neighborhood using a simple demographic model. It...
Pick your Nightmare
No matter where you live, you are bound to experience some kind of natural disaster, right? Earthquakes, tornadoes, wildfires, hail, hurricanes and high winds are just a part of life, you just get to choose what you are willing to put up with. In the vein of “choose...
Climate Database Overview
While you may not immediately consider it necessary data, climate data can be very useful for insurance underwriting, retail merchandising, and real estate. AGS offers a general Climate database, which consists of four types of weather-based indexes, including...
Census 2020 Update and Integration Plan
If you are like us, you have been refreshing the Census Bureau’s website weekly looking for the latest information about when the 2020 data will be released to the public. It was recently announced that the apportionment count, used officially for redistricting, will...
Storm Surge Risk Index
For many years, AGS has published risk indexes for the four major damaging weather events – hurricanes, tornadoes, hail, and high winds. While hurricane damage is usually most extensive along the coast, hurricane damage vulnerability extends even as far inland as the...
Terrain Ruggedness Index: 2021A Sneak Peek
At the end of 2020, we teased a map showing a new Terrain Ruggedness Index that we promised would be coming to the AGS lineup in 2021. We are excited to share with you the sneak peek of the index that will be released this spring. Adapted from academic work, the...
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