New for 2024B: Disposable Income

The AGS synthetic household model was introduced with the completely new Household Finances database earlier this year. Over the past few months, we have been busy expanding the demographic content of the household model in order to provide a base for the new Consumer...

Panorama and MRI-Simmons Update

Each year, MRI-Simmons conducts their annual “doublebase” survey, which we use as a data source in a variety of databases but most notably in Panorama. This year with the 2024A release, not only is Panorama getting some improvements through this enhanced survey, it is...

2024A Update: Household Finance

The 2024A data update will feature a completely redesigned and significantly improved ‘assets and debts’ database which we will be renaming as the Household Finance database. The main features of the database include: Update to the 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances...

2024: A Pivotal Year

Over the past few years, we have been aggressively pursuing a long-term plan that will firmly establish AGS as the premiere demographics company in North America. We have focused on three main components: the scope and quality of our data, our delivery systems, and...