The Decline of Public School Enrollment

Around 56.8 million kids return to school this month to attend grades 1-12, and nearly 6.5 million of them won’t be attending the local public school. In the last few years, private school enrollment has increased for various reasons, but it isn’t an equal increase...

Decentralizing Government

The share of total employment in the United States accounted for by government agencies (both national and local) has grown substantially since the beginning of World War II. In 1948, governments employed about 4.5 million workers – or 7.5% of the labor force (St....

Aging Population and Migration

Over the past several decades, the median age of the population has been steadily rising from 29.3 in 1980 to 37.8 in 2023. People are waiting longer to start families and having fewer children. The impacts of this are well known: the stress on Social Security and...

2023 Car Market Demographics

If you are in the market for a car, or have been in the last few years, you know that buying or leasing a vehicle these days comes at a steep cost. In fact, new car prices are up 24% since the start of the pandemic. What does that mean? We are holding onto our cars...

Boston Religious Affiliation

When you think about Boston stereotypes, you likely think about Boston as being home to many Catholic people. This isn’t without merit—Boston is in the top 50 of all metropolitan areas for Catholic residents – 4th for metro areas with more than 1M residents – and is...

Between County and Block Group

Between the county and block group levels – one too general, the other often too detailed. For many analytical tasks, an in-between layer is just what the doctor ordered. So, is there a goldilocks solution? There are four primary choices of standard geographies...