Data Privacy and 23andMe

This week, it was announced that 23andMe, the company that analyzed your DNA to find out ancestry and health information, is declaring bankruptcy. After a large data breach in 2023 and declining financials since, this isn’t a shocking revelation. What is shocking to...

March Madness

Every year, the spectacle of March Madness takes over, and brackets determine the moods of many Americans. While cheering for your college or local team may be fun, it is also big business for local economies that host these events. Who is watching NCAA basketball...

New Orleans Hotels

If you want to go to a major event in another city, you need to think about where you are going to stay. Unless you can stay with family or friends, you are likely looking at a hotel. Since New Orleans is hosting back to back events this year, the Super Bowl and Mardi...

Best Super Bowl Host Cities

We hear it every year around this time, complaints from northern teams that their cities never get to host the Super Bowl. The last five host cities for the Super Bowl, including 2025, are New Orleans, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Tampa. And why, perchance,...

The Big Disconnect

January always sees a surge of people going to the gym, starting new fitness classes, clean eating and even home fitness routines. New year, new me rings true for a lot of people, but who are these resolution setters? And what does this data reveal about surveys?...