How Walkable Is Your City?
For those of us trying to save a few dollars on gas money, looking to help the environment or even just looking for physical activity, you might be tempted to walk to the store, or at least take public transportation, instead of driving your car. But, depending on...
Choosing Directions: North Versus South
For many years our users have been regularly hounding me for data for Canada. After all, it seemed a natural extension of our geographic coverage to head back to the land of my birth. We avoided it for the longest time because we didn’t have the bandwidth but more...
July 2022 Round-up
At the end of each month, the AGS team looks back at articles and blog posts that we saw this month that stood out to us. Some are from news agencies, and many come from our partners, but not all use our data. Here is the round-up from July 2022. SiteSeer Very few...
A Playlist for the Data Scientist
To be a data person is to be a tragic and lonely creature riding the roller coaster that comes along with trying to answer a question with error laden data that doesn’t measure what you think it does. So, we came up with a play list that mirrors your typical day (and...
Seattle, Starbucks and Crime
Last week, Starbucks announced that it was permanently closing 16 locations due to crime concerns, five of which are located in their headquarter city of Seattle. They aren’t the only business experiencing higher than average crime. After a string of armed robberies...
Taking The Plunge: Why You Should Be Using the 2020 Geography Now
Those of you who are regular Profile readers will know that we at AGS are not exactly enamored with the application of the privacy budget concept to the census data releases. Much ink has been devoted to talking about the problems with using the census data and AGS’...
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