Data for the Greater Good

What makes data and statistical analysis wonderful is the ability to optimize your research or business and take it to the next level. But what about using data to optimize non-profit organizations and enhance the work that they do? A little data can go a long way to...

Dealing with the 2020 Census

A tremendous effort in the analytics world is devoted to the task of data preparation and cleansing. Data exchanges refer to ‘curated’ data, which suggests that the suppliers of that data have gone to the trouble of estimating missing fields, reigning in outliers, and...

Optimizing Online Ads with Data

  In the years since “big data” became a term, the scope of what data can do to enhance your business has changed and evolved. If you own a business, you likely are paying for some kind of online advertising. Google Ads, social media advertising, and any other...

The New Gbbis

Readers who have been familiar with AGS for any length of time will likely know of one of our long term partners, Intelligent Direct, who have been in business for 36 years. Likely less familiar is their Gbbis division, known for crafting unique and customized...

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Classification Changes

In years past, the census has typically obtained race and ethnicity data through a separation of two concepts – race and Hispanic ethnicity. This caused much confusion, as even the definitions of what constitutes ‘race’ can be murky, and many people of Hispanic origin...

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Geography Updates: 2024A USA Release

The upcoming 2024A data release (May) for the United States will extend the range of available predefined geographic levels to include Uber H3 hexagons for detail levels 3 through 7 and includes updates to several standard geography levels. Any variable available in...

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The Office Conundrum: A Broader Perspective

In 2017, about 7 million workers (4.4%) did so from home. In 2023, over 17% of the labor force was found working at home, well over 30 million total. Office buildings which were formerly bursting at the seams are now substantially underutilized, and the bean counters...

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March Round-up

At the end of each month, the AGS team looks back at articles and blog posts that we saw this month that stood out to us. Some are from news agencies, and many come from our partners, but not all use our data. Here is the round-up from March 2024. Kalibrate With prime...

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Gradual and Abrupt Demographic Change

Demographic change is generally slow moving, except in times of crisis. This is especially true at the national level but is also often true of small areas. Change is generally best considered as two separate components: Gradual change, such as the impacts of...

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