Data for the Greater Good

What makes data and statistical analysis wonderful is the ability to optimize your research or business and take it to the next level. But what about using data to optimize non-profit organizations and enhance the work that they do? A little data can go a long way to...

Dealing with the 2020 Census

A tremendous effort in the analytics world is devoted to the task of data preparation and cleansing. Data exchanges refer to ‘curated’ data, which suggests that the suppliers of that data have gone to the trouble of estimating missing fields, reigning in outliers, and...

Optimizing Online Ads with Data

  In the years since “big data” became a term, the scope of what data can do to enhance your business has changed and evolved. If you own a business, you likely are paying for some kind of online advertising. Google Ads, social media advertising, and any other...

Presidential Birthplace Bias?

So far, there have been 46 presidents of the United States of America, from George Washington to Joseph Biden. In theory, they should hail from all over the country; however, when you think about where they were born, it is likely that you think about the East Coast....

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February 2024 Round-up

At the end of each month, the AGS team looks back at articles and blog posts that we saw this month that stood out to us. Some are from news agencies, and many come from our partners, but not all use our data. Here is the round-up from February 2024. The...

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Immigration and Multigenerational Housing

With a rise in inflation, housing costs and childcare, some people may choose to live with family in multigenerational housing. There is also a correlation between immigration and multigenerational housing, especially in Canada. These patterns are very prevalent,...

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The Lure of the Hexagon

Over the last few months, we have been asked if we have data for H3 polygons. This ties in quite nicely to our discussion a few weeks ago about the MAUP, or modifiable areal unit problem. H3 is a system of spatial indexing developed by Uber Technologies a few years...

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The largest city in the state of Michigan, Detroit has a long history as an automotive hub. But with jobs moving away, mostly to foreign countries, the city is in a state of urban decay and declining population. While some nearby suburban areas are growing, the city...

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The original link between the East Coast and the Midwest, Pittsburgh is the second largest city in Pennsylvania. The “Steel City” was known for manufacturing, and suffered some during the deindustrialization era, but has managed to pivot it’s focus and remain relevant...

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