2022A Release

This week, our latest data release has made its debut. We’ve been previewing bits and pieces of the release, along with the challenges presented by the 2020 Census, for the last few weeks. Below is a summary of the release highlights, with the links to read the full...

Database Overview: Behaviors and Attitudes

The Behavior and Attitudes database is a collection of modeled variables that are intended to complement and simplify the main Consumer Behavior MRI database by focusing on those key attitudes and behavioral characteristics that drive consumer behavior and lifestyles...

Who Will Pay for Medicare?

In a classic good news/bad news scenario, the recently released Social Security and Medicare trustees report says that the funds won’t be going broke quite as quickly as feared. The bad news, of course, is that a deferral of the inevitable by a year or two doesn’t...
Continued Challenges for the 2020 Census

Continued Challenges for the 2020 Census

On the plane from Dallas to Las Vegas on the way to ICSC, I sat next to a broker from Marcus & Millichap. We of course talked about the show, and he asked what we do here at AGS. Inevitably, the question always comes up: can’t people just use the Census data? The...