With the 2023B release, AGS will be expanding our demographic estimates to include Puerto Rico! This first release will cover the basics for 2020, which includes most of our core estimates. In total, there are about 730 variables, including some business and daytime data. It also includes population by age and sex, education, household structure, labor force, income, dwelling types / age / occupancy status, etc. By next fall, we plan to have the full current year and five-year projections. Below are some sample maps to show some of the data we have available.

While many people assume that most Puerto Rico residents are Hispanic, that isn’t always true in the capital city San Juan. As you can see on the map, there are portions of the city that have high percentages of non-Hispanic populations.

Median household income is an important variable to consider for retail site selection, as well as many other applications. The map below shows median household income for San Juan.

Another important financial variable is the percentage of the population’s income that comes from public assistance. The map below shows the breakdown for all of Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico has densely populated areas, as well as rural areas. The map below shows population density for Puerto Rico, which is important for understanding trade areas.