Single Cities

We have a family friend who recently moved to a new housing community a good thirty minutes from downtown. He is single and wants to meet someone and get married. Despite pleadings from family and friends that there would only be families in this community, he moved...

The Geography of Christmas Movies     

There are lots of maps that show the favorite Christmas movies by state, favorite movies by age, and other demographic breakdowns. We’ve even talked about how demographics could fix the plots of Hallmark Christmas movies. While those things are potentially interesting...

Mapping Grinchiness

Growing up, my very favorite Christmas show wasn’t any of the big favorites – It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street, A Christmas Carol, or any of the uncountable Bing Crosby movies – it was, unashamedly, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. And by that – obviously...

Panorama-Halloween Costume Edition

The AGS team likes to have some fun during the holidays, and this year for Halloween, we took the viral Spirit Halloween meme trend and made memes for Panorama segments. We hope that you enjoy these costumes, and if you want to learn more about Panorama, our...

National 711 Day: A Practical Guide

July 11 is National 7-Eleven Day. For the past few years, the chain has been rewarding customers by giving them a free small Slurpee to celebrate. Free sounds good, doesn’t it? But even free comes at a cost. What if you live 20 miles from the nearest 7-Eleven. Is it...

Where is the Closest Firework Stand?

When you think about the 4th of July, fireworks likely play a part in your celebration and memories of the day. Unless you live in Massachusetts, fireworks are legal, to some degree, in the state you live in. Assuming you can buy fireworks, where would you most likely...