Exploring Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has been a territory of the United States since 1898, acquired from Spain in the aftermath of the Spanish-American War. Puerto Ricans have been citizens of the United States since 1917, and the potential statehood of the territory has been discussed for...

2024B Release Highlights

Consumer Expenditures The consumer expenditure model has been completely revised to utilize the AGS Synthetic Household model, yielding results which are much better able to capture the differences in small area expenditure patterns. Newly available within the model...

AGS Staff Favorites From 2024A

When we put together a new release, one of my favorite things to do is look through the list of new variables and pick out the odd, the unique, the interesting, and think about the use cases of who needs them. Just like I do, the staff also went through the list, we...

2024A Release Overview

The AGS 2024A data release is now available. Here are the highlights that you will find in the new release. Many of the AGS data are available natively at the block level. Block level output of other datasets is handled by disaggregation techniques using the AGS block...

Panorama 2.0

In 2015, we released the first version of Panorama, which found its home amongst the elite geo-demographic segmentation systems. As good as Panorama 1.0 was, after nearly a decade it was due for a fresh coat of paint. Ten years ago, most of our modeling was done at...