Building on over three decades of experience in the creation and use of geodemographic segmentation systems in both Canada and the United States, Applied Geographic Solutions returns to its spatial roots with a truly location-centric segmentation system, Panorama.

Because location still matters.
Building on over three decades of experience in the creation and use of geodemographic segmentation systems in both Canada and the United States, Applied Geographic Solutions returns to its spatial roots with a truly location-centric segmentation system, Panorama. Building on and integrating the existing suite of AGS modeling and analytical tools, Panorama creates actionable perspective on an increasingly complex and rapidly churning demographic landscape.
Panorama consists of sixty-eight segments, with users encouraged to adopt either a pre-defined grouping or to create groupings of segments tailored to their own customer profiles.
Panorama is currently paired with the industry leading GfK MRI survey, providing the essential linkage between neighborhood demographics and consumer preferences and attitudes. When married with AGS’ wide range of unique data such as CrimeRisk, Demographic Dimensions, and with unique AGS analytical tools such as Site Signature, Panorama can be completely customized for your particular circumstances. Instead of simply a generic segmentation system, Panorama becomes myPanorama.
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