The 20A AGS data release, on schedule for the end of the month, will include a full update to the GfK MRI dataset to the latest released survey. As with every release, the content of these variables can change, especially those related to individual brands, stores, or product types. These changes, whether new, modified, or deleted, will be detailed in the change document which accompanies the release.

In addition to the full dataset of well over 9,000 variables, AGS has produced an enhanced data series which includes 420 carefully selected core behavioral and attitudinal components, modeled with our Demographic Dimensions analytics dataset. The results include such variables as Brand Loyal Fashion Buyers, Prayer Warriors, Market Volatility Lovers, Pilates People, Internet Addicted, Impulse Buyers, Road Trippers, Gearheads, and Twitter Tweeters, just to name a few.

The enhanced MRI data are well suited for analysis using Panorama segmentation or Demographic Dimensions by adding a strong behavioral component to your demographic base.

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